25 Lovable Low Maintenance Modern Front Yard Landscape Ideas

Having a low maintenance front yard landscape is what most people look for to create different vibes and views around their house. When it comes with a low maintenance idea, some people tend to be confused because the plant’s option to have is suddenly gone. In fact, you can see your surroundings and identify easy to maintain plants, including flowers, shrubs and grass for your landscaping plan. 

Once you know the plants then you can start to shape the landscape with various materials you want. No need to have a complicated shape and process to make one because the natural and easy one can be done by yourself. Just check them out here!

1. Palm And Succulent Landscape

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@botanicalvisions.com)

If your front yard is pretty spacious and you want to add the landscape right in front of the porch, you can create a stone landscape and plant some palm trees, air plants, and snake plants (mother in law’s tongue plants) for the low maintenance front yard landscape idea. The palm trees can be used as the screen as well if there is no fence in your house. 

2. Gravel Pathways

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@Le Ngo)

As for the rock lovers, you can fill any types of rocks such as river rocks and then the concrete for the pathways. Then around the pathways, you can fill it with the cactus, succulent and low maintenance plants such as spider plants, that are suitable for all year-round seasons. You can have this modern yet still low maintenance front yard landscape idea for your house. Seems small yet multifunctional. 

3. Rocky Succulent

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@Joe Manausa Real Estate)

A simple front yard landscape idea for your house! You can create a shady spot for your calathea by planting the palm tree in front of the calathea pots. Put some river rocks to create a shape of a landscape garden. Palm tree is a low maintenance tree that won’t bother your busy day as long as the palm gets a full sun exposure. 

4. Concrete Bed Container

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@domoREALTY)

To make it easier to maintain the front yard that is full of plants, you can create some concrete bed containers for your plants. It will be helpful if the land of your front yard is uneven. Then you can place the succulent, agave, and lavender to brighten your house view. This low maintenance front yard landscaping will be complete if you put your number house to make it easier for your guests to recognize your house. 

5. Lavender Pathways

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@Interior Design Inspiration)

If you want to create a pathway but still with a green view, then this low maintenance front yard landscape will be the greatest idea! You can fulfill your front yard by planting lavender, sage, or juniper. For the pathway, you can place the stone or rocks in various sizes. 

6. Various Rocky Landscape

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@Nadia Kerrens)

When you think that people really like to place the small into big stones as the pathway or the front yard landscape, then you will love this idea too. Because by placing the stone, you don’t have to create any shape of landscape from different materials. Also, the stones are very low maintenance. They are fine to get a full sun exposure or get wet due to pouring rain. Also, it helps the water to be absorbed by the soil easier and faster. You also can plant krimson plants or other simple green plants on it. 

7. Center Of Green

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@RCP Block & Brick)

It is like a Mediterranean landscaping style. It is very easy since you just throw the stones and plant low maintenance grass on the center. You can plant succulent or agave as well. Add some beautiful color from the peonies or rose flowers. 

8. Rainbow Flower

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@genosgarden.blogspot.com)

You can have a low maintenance front yard landscape view by planting colorful plants. But one thing for sure before planting a few varieties of plants, you have to know that there are no invasive plants. Because it will have a bad impact for each plant as well. Or if you are not sure, you can do it by adding the pots. 

9. Flower And Fountain 

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@angieslist.com)

A simple front yard view because the pathway is already provided, including the green grass. So, you just have to add the roses as the ground cover and mini fountain to make your front yard more stunning at night. Because the fountain will never go wrong as the center of attention. 

10. Mini Plants Around The Lawn

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@Homesthetics.net)

A small landscape around the lawn is beautiful when it seems difficult to create, yet it is a low maintenance front yard landscape idea. Because placing stones in your front yard is always right. Then you can have agave or aglaonema on it. And voila! Your front yard view will seem different and amazing. 

11. Roses Around

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Roses Around

If you are stuck with the idea of having a landscape view for your front yard, then all you need to do is plant roses in front of the fence. Once they bloom, they will shape a different landscape view for your house. Pretty and beautiful!

12. Plants Inside The Pots, Shrubs As Ground Cover

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Plants Inside The Pots, Shrubs As Ground Cover

Although it seems ordinary, having plants like this in your front yard will always make you feel happy. The flowers in the pots, shrubs as the ground cover, and the green ones on the corner as the fresh background. Just pick good and low maintenance plants to easily grow them all. 

13. Minimalist Landscape Idea

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Minimalist Landscape Idea

It is a good idea if your front yard is almost nothing except a half meter space after you step out from the door. But you still can create a fresh spot by planting the flowers, some shrubs and never forget to take care of them every day. Although it is a small front yard, if you maintain them well, your neighbor cannot take their eyes off of your plants. 

14. Flowers And Shrubs

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Flowers And Shrubs

Planting various shrubs and the flowers in between is an excellent option to fill your front yard. Because usually shrubs are easy to maintain all year round. You can have various types of shrubs to create different layers as well. 

15. Full Of Shrubs

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Full Of Shrubs

Shrubs and bougainville can be added for your small front yard. They are easy to maintain and once you plant, the different vibe of your house can be felt instantly. If you don’t like shrubs like mondo grass, you can have other varieties based on your favorite one. Add the stones as the ground cover will be a good one too. 

16. Pots Along The Stairs

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Pots Along The Stairs

With this landscape view, your front yard is like a florist shop. All of the beautiful flowers are planted and arranged neatly inside the pots. You can place the green one between the beautiful colors of flowers such as for juniper. This is an excellent option for you who have limited space in the front yard. So you can start by filling the patio first. So, people will not think that your front yard is small and narrow. 

17. Colorful Screen

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Colorful Screen

You can shape the boxwood and other plants like this one or if you don’t have much time, you can just plant the flowers around the lawn. Having boxwood and other shrubs can be used as the screen in front of your house. It is a good one especially when there is no gate in front of your house. So that you can have a privacy and beautiful view at the same time. 

18. Stone Landscape For The Flowers

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Stone Landscape For The Flowers

Arrange the stone or bricks as your bed containers to plant roses, marigolds and many more. It is a good idea for you who have a limited space but still want to see a beautiful view from the patio every day. When the spring comes, the flowers will bloom and your house will be prettier too!

19. Drought Tolerant Plants And Stones

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@Interior Design Inspiration)

Beautiful pathway, while you can plant juniper, spider plant, or even the bougainville in your front yard. Oh don’t forget to throw the stones as the low maintenance and low budget ground cover! The kids and pets will be happy to run around. 

20. Beside The Chairs

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@Pottery Barn)

Placing the chair beside your plant collections will make it easier for you to enjoy this low maintenance front yard landscape view. Although the plants are not that much, you still can feel the fresh vibe and how the flowers bloom when the spring comes. 

21. Everything Inside The Pots

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@themainehouse.blogspot.com)

Aglaonema, calathea, or even lavender can be placed as the landscape idea for your front yard. You can place them inside the pots if the space is limited. Then make your porch and small front yard into something different just like this one. 

22. Country Style Landscape

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@The Old Brook Cottage)

When you love planting flowers and veggies at the same place, then why don’t you place them each on the bed container. Then arrange the bed containers as your low maintenance front yard landscape. There is no mistake or rules to have it all as long as you know the characteristics of each plant you have under the same container.

23. A Way Of Succulent

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@Jade Keys)

Because succulent is what you are looking for in every condition of landscape view. You can have this drought tolerant plant in your front yard and create the shape for your own landscape based on your preference as well. Add some shrubs for another accent! 

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24. Ground Cover Flowers

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@Architectural Digest)

It is like going back to your childhood house since the landscape idea is very calming. You can have low maintenance ground cover flowers such as creeping myrtle, mondo grass, creeping thyme and many more. The kids will be happy to see this view! 

25. Fresher Air Around The Front Yard

low maintenance modern front yard landscaping
Source: Pinterest (@Desiree Ramos)

Snake plants or mother in law’s tongue plant is such an easy to maintain plant. Also you can have a fresher air when you have it on the porch or front yard. Plant it as the ground cover, and decorate the front yard with small stones as well to create different layers. 

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