Monstera dripping water, known as guttation, is mainly caused by high moisture levels, including overwatering and high humidity.
Those who grow Monstera must often wonder, what’s the dripping water coming out of the plant? Some may let it be as they know that the plant releases excessive water.
On the other hand, others will freak out because they may think that dripping leaves indicate their plants struggle to fight diseases they cannot detect. But don’t worry! Monstera dripping water is totally normal. And in fact, the dripping phenomenon is called guttation.

While it is not something you need to be concerned about, you must still pay attention to the plant. Especially if the water droplets appear after fertilization earlier in the day. It becomes a way for your crying Monstera plants to alert you that there’s something wrong.
Let us walk you through the sections below to discuss guttation and the factors that cause Monstera dripping water.
Key Takeaways
- Monstera dripping water, known as guttation, is a natural process often caused by high moisture levels.
- Guttation is different from dew; it occurs at night and dawn due to excess humidity, releasing water and minerals.
- Overwatering, excessive fertilization, and high humidity are key factors that trigger guttation in Monstera.
- Guttation is not harmful to Monstera but can leave mineral deposits on leaves, potentially causing damage if not wiped off.
- Preventing Monstera guttation involves avoiding overwatering, reducing fertilizer use, and maintaining appropriate humidity levels.
Table of Contents
Why is Monstera Dripping Water?
Before rushing to the discussion of the causes that may influence the dripping water from the leaves of Monstera, it will be better to understand the phenomenon.
Like other tropical plants, Monstera really likes moderate to high humidity.
Therefore, they tend to grow more quickly in moist, well-drained soil, with moisture similar to their native habitat (around 60% – 70%).

Nonetheless, too much moisture will increase the chances of guttation. Guttation is a natural event experienced by plants, especially tropical plants, due to excess humidity in the surroundings.
As a result, these plants will absorb more water from the atmosphere than the water released for the transpiration process.
The drip of guttation will be excreted through the hydathode, a plant organ located in the leaf margins responsible for this process. Meanwhile, water from transpiration will be out of the stomata on the leaf surface.

Besides high humidity, your Monstera can have weeping leaves when you give them too much water. Thus, they will try to balance the water in all their parts by excreting it through the hydathode.
But mind you, it’s not just water that comes out during the guttation process. The water drops are rich in minerals, commonly known as cell sap. In contrast, the droplets of the transpiration process are pure water or vapor.
Such an interesting fact, isn’t it?
What is The Difference Between Guttation and Dew?
Monstera keepers’ newbies may think that the water droplets on the leaves of their plants are condensation. In fact, it could be guttation, and that’s different from dew. Dew is moisture trapped on the cold surface in the form of water droplets.
Meanwhile, guttation is the excretion of plants that contain xylem sap within the plant. But don’t worry, guttation is not a bad sign for your plant. It is their only way to balance out water and nutrition.

Another difference between guttation and dew is the time of occurrence. Guttation occurs at night and dawn, while dew commonly appears in the morning, particularly before the sun rises.
Generally, you will notice water dripping off your Monstera leaves when the temperature is low, along with high moisture in the atmosphere.
While you can tell that the water droplets at night are gutted, it is not the case when you find them in the morning. You cannot distinguish water from dew and guttation in most cases because they will just blend in right away.
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Is Guttation Bad for Monstera?
If you have kept Monstera plants for so long, you will not be concerned about water dripping from their leaves because they know it is a natural process.
Nonetheless, some may get anxious when they see droplets on the foliage of their precious plants. The good news is guttation is not bad for your Monstera. In fact, it helps your plants excrete the excess water they absorb from the surroundings.

Without guttation, Monstera cannot release pressure from the xylem, which inhibits the water distribution process from roots to leaves and other plant parts.
However, our experts recommend letting the water from guttation sit only for a short time on the leaves. Unlike dew in which water is pure, the guttation produces water with xylem sap that is loaded with minerals.
As time goes by, the droplets will burn the leaves and make them turn brown.
It also happens when you over fertilize the Monstera. The plant will try to remove the excess nutrition through guttation, which droplets must be cleaned off as soon as possible.

Another issue that can arise if you leave guttation on the leaves is a fungal infection. This risk is increasing due to favorable humidity conditions for its growth.
In addition, those drops will usually leave marks as they dry, along with specks of dust and dirt. Although it looks trivial, the accumulation of dust can clog the stomata.
As a result, your Monstera will struggle to have proper respiration, transpiration, and photosynthesis.
Hence, wiping the guttation is highly suggested! Use a damp microfiber cloth to gently remove the drops and prevent injury to the leaves.
What are The Factors that Affect Guttation in Mostera?
Even though guttation is a natural process in plants with vascular systems, like Monstera, it can be triggered by several factors. Some of the main causes include high moisture, fertilization, and watering. How do they influence guttation?

1. High Moisture
Monstera plants are tropical plants that like humidity. They perform best under such growing conditions with gentle sunlight that helps them to undergo photosynthesis.
In addition, high moisture is also one of the main factors that encourage guttation in Monstera. When the air humidity is high, meaning it is saturated with water.
Therefore, the water that evaporates from the leaves will be reduced (transpiration). However, the condition does not stop moisture distribution from the roots to the leaves.
In this case, the pressure will push the moisture out of the plant to the leaves’ surfaces and form water droplets.
2. Too Much Fertilizer
Apart from being high moisture, guttation can be stimulated by fertilization. Especially if you over fertilize your Monstera.
This natural phenomenon occurs in response to the overflowing nutrients present in the soil. Hence, your plant will try to balance the nutrients in the body by excreting them in the form of water dripping from the leaves.

Unfortunately, such a Monstera sweating risks harming its tropical leaf because the water contains high concentrations of minerals. If left too long on the leaf surface, the leaves will turn yellow to brown.
3. Overwatering
The effect of the watering schedule is uncommon, but it is worth noting.
Since Monstera guttation mainly occurs due to high moisture in the atmosphere, it also may be a sign of overwatering. And so, the plant tries to expel the water through leaves dripping in the guttation process.
However, you should not be worried about it. Ideally, Monstera needs weekly watering, but try to adjust the watering according to the growing conditions.
You can increase the watering frequency in the hot summer months.
4. Rootbound
The bigger the Monstera, the more roots will develop. Sometimes, the roots will outgrow the pot. If your Monstera experiences such conditions, it will produce sweat to reduce root pressure.
Therefore, repotting is necessary. You are also recommended to bother your Monstera every once in two years.
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How to Stop Monstera from Sweating?
Sweating Monstera is normal and thus it is harmless for your plant. However, the water sitting on the leaves can trigger some serious issues. That’s why we would love to share some tips to stop Monstera guttation or sweats.

1. Adjust Temperatures
Just like humans, Monstera will sweat more when the air temperature and humidity are high.
Hence, it is crucial to regulate the temperatures and ensure they are within 65°F – 85°F. You can set a thermostat to observe the temperature changes and adjust it to the growing conditions of the Monstera.
2. Prune Your Monstera
While having a dense Monstera is preferable by many, yet it increases risks of sweating.
So, pruning is the best solution to prevent this issue. It also helps Monstera to distribute water better throughout the plant. Make sure to remove the dying leaves first as they take up too much energy.
3. Choose Well-Drained Soil and Pot
As you probably know, overwatering is one factor that causes Monstera guttation.
In addition to cutting the watering schedule, ensuring the soil is well-drained is essential to prevent waterlogging. It also allows the roots to absorb water as needed while the excess water will seep out of the ground and pots.
4. Separate from Other Plants
Placing tropical plants close to Monstera is beneficial to maintain humidity.
However, it is detrimental for plants with vascular systems, like Monstera, because it can stimulate sweat. In addition, this distance also allows your plants to have better respiration.
5. Create Good Air Circulation
If you plant Monstera outdoors, you may not encounter issues with air circulation. However, those growing indoors often have this problem due to space limitations. Thus, increasing the chances of sweating.
But don’t worry! You can invest in fans to create better air circulation. Remember to always open the window in the morning to let the fresh morning air enter the room and the sun shine on your plants.
How Can Monstera Guttation be Prevented?
So far, we understand that guttation is not harmful to your plants. But sometimes, it can leave negative impacts if you don’t know the cause. Hence, preventive measures are needed to prevent this guttation. What are those?

1. Avoid Night Watering
Transpiration and evaporation will remove about 95% of moisture, while guttation takes only 5%. However, the usually lower nighttime temperatures with high humidity make both processes much less likely to occur.
Hence, your plants try another way to remove excess water through guttation. If you offer more water at night, Monstera plants will be overwhelmed because they keep trying to expel the water.
2. Don’t Over Fertilizing
As we discussed earlier, over fertilizing is terrible for your plants. Not only can it lead to root burn, but it can also encourage guttation in a bad way. When your plants feel the nutrients they receive are too much for their needs, they will try to remove them.
In this case, the guttation process is dangerous because the water droplets contain minerals that can harm the leaves. Generally, they will change color from green to yellowish to brownish.
3. Skip Tap Water
We never thought that tap water could have a harmful impact on your Monstera. It is usually high in minerals. Thus, your Monstera is forced to go through a guttation process to remove the excess minerals.
Meanwhile, rainwater will provide generally pure water intake because it is naturally filtered. But if it is not the rainy season and you need access to filtered water, you can leave the tap water for 24 hours before pouring it into your plant.
Final Thoughts
Monstera dripping water is normal and not harmful to your plants. Even if your pets lick on the leaves, it doesn’t matter because it is non-toxic. However, you must pay close attention if guttation appears after watering and fertilizing, as it may be harmful.
One of the keys to preventing sweating on Monstera is providing its growing conditions, such as temperature, humidity, light, and soil requirements. Also, pruning is vital to avoid guttation in Monstera.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Should you wipe off guttation in Monstera?
Wiping excess perspiration on the leaves of your Monstera is recommended as most of the time, the guttation leaves marks and clouds of dust that can block the stomata.
Despite not being harmful, it will inhibit the process of Monstera’s photosynthesis if you don’t wipe it.
Besides, the dirt can make your plant struggle to breathe. However, you must make sure to use a damp microfiber cloth and gently clean the leaves off to avoid any harm.
Does guttation mean overwatering Monstera?
People who grow Monstera often think that guttation is a sign of overwatering. Well, it could be. However, water coming out of their leaves is generally a sign that your Monstera is trying to balance out the water and nutrition within them. So, that’s normal!
However, you must be concerned if you notice your Monstera sweating after over fertilizing. If you let the water droplets on the leaves, they may burn due to the high concentration of minerals.
Why does guttation in Monstera occur at night and early morning?
There are reasons why Monstera experts do not recommend watering the plant at night. One of them is increased guttation, especially for those growing in tropical climates where humidity remains high.
Guttation occurs at night and early morning because the transpiration process slows while water absorption rises.
Consequently, your Monstera roots will experience pressure in the xylem, resulting in water drops from the hydathode, a plant organ responsible for guttation.
What is the difference between guttation and transpiration?
The main difference between guttation and transpiration is the plant organ responsible for it. Transpiration removes water through the stomata. Meanwhile, guttation excretes water through the hydathode.
In addition, transpiration generally occurs during the day, while the guttation phenomenon happens at night or early morning. Furthermore, water coming out through transpiration is pure water (vapor).
In contrast, water drops of guttation are rich in xylem sap and minerals.
What is the difference between guttation and bleeding?
Guttation occurs naturally in plants to release excessive water through hydathode on the leaves. In this process, xylem is pressured to excrete water drips.
Meanwhile, bleeding is a response to cuts on plants where cell sap will come out on the injured parts.
In addition, the sap appears due to sieve tube pressure.