Repot young Monstera plants annually for growth and soil refreshment. Mature plants should be repotted every 2 to 4 years, ideally in early spring for better recovery. The best time for repotting is early spring, when temperatures are warm and humidity is high, which helps the plant recover from the transplant process.
Repotting is the integrity of most plant parentage. You need to transplant your monster deliciosa at least once in few years. This process can cause leaf drop and root shock, and challenges for some mature plants.
Monstera is a fast-growing indoor plant with a rigid and expansive root system. Its extensive leaves have deep splits and perforations, which can beautify your home with an outstanding view.
It is also a climbing plant without a proper trunk and might also consist of a moss pole.
Do you know when to repot monstera?
Probably not, but in this article, you will understand the why and when to do so. They are easy to grow and attractive plants; moreover, they are appealing indoor plants raised by anyone, even you.
Key Takeaways
- Young Monstera plants benefit from annual repotting.
- Mature Monsteras need repotting every 2-4 years.
- Early spring is the ideal time to repot.
- Signs a Monstera needs repotting include roots circling the pot or poking out of the drainage holes.
- Use a pot 2-3 inches larger in diameter than the current one.
Table of Contents
Why Repot a Monstera Plant?
Understanding why to repot a Monstera plant is key to nurturing its lush, tropical growth. Repotting not only accommodates its expanding root system but also revitalizes the soil, ensuring your Monstera receives the nutrients and space it needs to flourish.
Here are the reasons why you must repot your monstera:
- Provides room for growth. When you notice the roots sprouting from the pot, it shows that your plant has outgrown. It covers the entire pot and drainage holes. Therefore, transplanting creates room for others to grow and become strong.
- Provides monstera plant fresh soil. These plants might use up all the nutrients available in the potting soil. Therefore, you need to change it, but you can do that by transplanting them.
- It inhibits the potting soil from compacting. Heavy soil blocks cannot absorb an adequate amount of water, leading to dehydration. During watering, when you notice the water does not sink in; instead, it sits above the soil, then your soil is compacted. You can use quality potting mix for well-drained soil.
- Combat harmful diseases. Repotting is also a perfect way to eliminate dangerous diseases such as bacteriological infections and fungous root rot.
When to Repot Monstera Plant?
Monstera requires relatively low maintenance when caring for it because it is easy to grow. It also needs warm temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius, high humidity, and moist soil.
You should provide its aerial roots with the necessary support.
Besides, you set a moss-covered stake at the center of the potting mix for additional support.
Therefore, you should transplant the monstera deliciosa each year when it is young. This encourages healthy growth and also freshening the potting soil.
Choose the largest container in size to use for repotting. Top-dress the plant with a well-drained, perfectly-aerated, and nutrient-rich soil for some years until the roots are strong enough.
Before the new leaves appear, especially early in the spring, is when to repot monstera deliciosa.
How to Transplant Monstera Deliciosa?
Monstera is a tropical plant; therefore, it requires soil rich in nutrients and properly aerated and drained. You can use high-quality potting soil. So, do you know how to transplant a monstera?
If not, then follow the steps below to be acquainted.
1. Choose the Right Transplanting Time
Early spring is the perfect time to transplant monstera. During this time, it hits a growth spurt, allowing it to recover quickly after repotting.
Nevertheless, you can repot it if it shows signs of repotting at early stages. Another thing is that when its roots are bursting out or absorbing excess water, then that is when to repot a monstera.
2. Select a New Potting Mix
You should choose a pot with a relatively large diameter than the previous one you had. It should be deep to hold a solid moss pole in the future.
Do not pick a huge pot because it can keep excess water than the repotted roots. This can result to root rot and probably overwatering.
3. Choose Correct Soil and Prepare the Pot
You can choose either the high-quality and well-drained potting soil or the regular potting mix.
Prepare your pot by adding potting mix at least ¼ to 2/3. This is the stage to mount your pole that can provide support to the aerial roots.
4. Remove the Monstera Plant from the Old Pot
Turn your pot and carefully remove it. You can also jiggle it if it does not budge. Do not pull it out because you can break its leaves, roots, and stems.
If it has grown huge, you can seek assistance from a friend or anyone close. So one holds the pot, and another one gives support to the roots. If possible, another third person can provide the crucial support to the plant.
5. Place the Monstera Plant in Your New Pot
Carefully arrange your swiss cheese plant around the new stake. If possible, you can tie it to the stake. You can also use the old pole; it can help to hold them firmly in the new pot.
You should place the lower monstera roots gently down into the pot.
6. Water Them Properly
Carefully pour distilled water until it oozes out of the drainage holes. As you add water, the soil might sink, so you can add extra potting mix if necessary.
Your houseplant adjusts faster to the new pot with minimal droopiness. Place it under indirect, bright sunlight and add water-soluble fertilizer at the right time.
Repotting Your Monstera: Safety Precautions
You need to know and understand some of the safety precautions and measures for repotting your swiss cheese indoor plant. These plants are considered slightly toxic, so keep them away from children and pets such as dogs and cats.
However, adults can withstand its mild toxicity level.
Transplanting consist of constant interaction with it; therefore, protect your hands by wearing protective gloves. This applies throughout the transplanting process.
Besides ensuring this plant does not come in close contact with your skin, it is best to cover your exposed body parts such as the face, arms, neck, and legs.
You can as well protect your eyes by wearing goggles.
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Propagating Swiss Cheese Plant
It is pretty easy to propagate your monstera houseplant. There are various ways to do it, such as air-layering and leaf bud cut-off.
1. Cuttings from the Leaf Bud
- Prepare a large container that can hold at least four to five cuttings with a fresh and nutrient-rich potting mix.
- Cut a healthy stem with many leaves from the mother plant using sharp and sterile scissors.
- Divide the stem into numerous segments, each with a leaf and an aerial root
- Plant four to five stems in the large pot. This can generate a bushy and attractive appearance in your new pot. You can as well grow them in water hydroponically before repotting.
2. Air-layering
This technique is suitable for monstera plants that have overgrown and lost their bottom leaves. Therefore, you need a piece of cutting equipment, solid strings, rooting hormone, a plastic bag:
- Closely observe the leggy stem to determine where new roots will sprout in your plant.
- Cut the stem diagonally at least 1/3 of the branch using a sharp, clean, and sterilized blade.
- Insert the toothpick through sideways of the stem cutting to keep it open.
- Moisten the sphagnum moss and tie it around the stem cutting. Hold the moisture by tying the plastic bag around it.
- Remove the plastic wrapper and cut the stem beneath the new plant. Then transplant it in the unique potting mix with all the necessities for growth.
- Remove the air layer and trim the mother plant; thus, new growth will surface.
How to Care for Monstera Houseplant?
Perhaps monster houseplants are among the easiest to maintain and grow. They give you an attractive and aesthetical environment.
Anyway, caring for these plants doesn’t demand much and has a lot of benefits.
1. Proper Watering
When it comes to watering, this houseplant is quite forgiving. Allow the topsoil to dry at least two inches, that is, between 52 to 78 percent, before you water it. Test the moisture in the soil using your finger.
Avoid overwatering it, and never allow it to sit on still water to prevent rot.
Apart from that, do not allow your potting mix to be dehydrated. Water the pot until it penetrates through the drainage holes and removes any still water that might accumulate in the saucer.
It is advisable to water your plant frequently, especially during the growing season. You can also use a spray bottle filled with distilled water to mist the leaves, thus enhancing humidity.
2. Soil
You can use a perfectly-drained and well-aerated potting mix. You can mix it with other valuable soil components such as lava rocks or perlite to increase its aeration.
You need a peat-based potting media to propagate it.
When you grow it outdoors, it is ideal for plant it under thick clay, average loamy, and sandy soils with neutral pH or optimal acid.
Moreover, this houseplant can thrive under relatively moist soil.
3. Sunlight
Swiss cheese plant requires bright, indirect sunlight under a constant temperature of about 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Remember that it can grow anywhere around your home.
If you are growing it indoors, the place is the south or east-facing window to accumulate enough sunlight, particularly the morning sunlight that is quite placid to your plant.
Your houseplant can tolerate dark growth conditions, but it can’t thrive as needed. If you subject them to direct sun, the leaves can be scorched, particularly the severe afternoon sunlight.
If you live in areas with excess heat from the sun, you might want to provide shade for it.
4. Fertilizing
Fertilize your monstera the entire growing season. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer for your indoor plant. It is also good to change fertilizer so the plant can accumulate different nutrients.
5. Problems Faced by Swiss Cheese Plant
Monstera houseplants are tolerant to harsh environments and conditions. But, they are also susceptible to some problems that plants always face.
For instance, during extreme conditions such as cold weather or heat, you can observe its leaves starting to wilt.
Their appearance can also be affected when you don’t water them properly and lack nutrients such as pale yellow leaves with many holes. Besides, if you overwater them, their roots might rot, thus cannot support themselves properly.
They can also be affected by spider mites, aphids, mealybugs, and other bacterial infections. All these problems can deter its growth and become very weak.
To prevent these problems, ensure your pot has healthy soil and plants have optimal growing conditions.
You can also wash the leaves using insecticidal soap.
Final Thought
As you can see, it is not difficult to transplant your swiss cheese plant. The only thing you should do is to know when to repot monstera deliciosa.
It is recommended to this in early spring when the temperature is warm and humidity is relatively high. This article shows you how to propagate it properly and how to take good care of your houseplant.
Happy repotting!
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is the best time to know that my monstera requires repotting?
The best time is when the root starts sprouting beneath the pot. If you transplant them during this time, they absorb water and nutrients properly. This is also the time that their roots spread out and thrive.
Therefore, you can repot it approximately after 2 to 4 years, depending on the growing conditions.
Is swiss cheese toxic to pets?
Yes, monstera can be very dangerous to both pets and human beings.
If consumed, your pet can experience various complications such as extreme burning, irritation of tongue and mouth, and excessive vomiting. The best solution is to contact a veterinarian if you notice your dog or cat has consumed your monstera deliciosa.
Should I repot my monster deliciosa frequently?
Repotting your plant is not a critical requirement for your houseplant, although it enhances its growth and has many perks.
Do not worry too much regarding when to repot monstera that has a substantial size.
It is vital to repot your mature swiss cheese plant at least after three years. Nevertheless, when they are still young, it is imperative to change the soil and location at least once within a year.
This can make them grow healthy and robust, thus making them happier too.