Fall is the ideal time to plant a new tree in Oklahoma. So, homeowners in Oklahoma are frequently searching for quick growing trees to add beauty and shade to their gardens. In case you live in Oklahoma and want to add more colors in your yard, then you should know some of the fastest growing trees Oklahoma has this fall season. In this article, discover the trees that are growing so well in Oklahoma as they are considered the fastest growing trees in the state!
Before looking for the fastest growing trees Oklahoma has in this season, understanding the factors that affect the growing trees in the state is also important. Moreover, a continental climate prevails throughout the Sooner State, similar to the Great Plains. The warm, humid air that travels northward from the Gulf of Mexico affects the temperature in the southern and eastern regions.
In addition, soil, water, and nutrition also affect your tree growth in Oklahoma. Therefore, we offer an easy planting guide with a large range of fastest growing trees you can choose to make the best results in your yard. Let’s get started!
Table of Contents
- Why Are Trees Growing Faster?
- What Makes Trees Grow Faster?
- When Should You Plant Trees in Oklahoma?
- Fastest Growing Trees in Oklahoma
- 1. Shumard Oak Tree (Quercus Shumardii)
- 2. Autumn Blaze Maple Tree (Acer Freemanii)
- 3. Japanese Lilac Tree (Syringa Reticulata)
- 4. Sargent Crabapple Tree (Malus Sargentii)
- 5. Hickory Tree (Carya)
- 6. Lacebark Elm Tree (Ulmus Parvifolia)
- 7. Dogwood Tree (Cornus Florida)
- 8. Blue Ice Cypress Tree (Cupressus Arizonica var. Glabra)
- 9. Oklahoma Redbud Tree (Cercis Canadensis)
- 10. Chinese Pistache Tree (Pistacia Chinensis)
- 11. Eastern Red Cedar Tree (Juniperus Virginiana)
- 12. Crepe Myrtle Tree (Lagerstroemia Indica)
- Final Thought
Why Are Trees Growing Faster?
Of course the proper condition makes trees grow faster and bigger. Water, soil, and nutrition play an important role in a tree’s growth. Your tree root systems should be surrounded by good soil, and in the beginning, mulch to promote growth. You can also use a fertilizer with a root stimulator to aid the tree’s growth. Otherwise, the soil around your tree may be hard or of poor quality if the roots are having trouble absorbing water.
Furthermore, global warming also causes trees to grow very fast these days. As the global temperature rises, trees all throughout the world are experiencing faster growing seasons
Perhaps you think that it makes trees grow faster and stronger. However, a study of Central European woods indicates that the warmer temperatures, along with farm and automobile pollution, are also weakening wood, causing trees to break more quickly and less durable lumber to be produced.
Moreover, Nature Communications demonstrates that trees with rapid growth have a shorter lifespan. The findings of the research cast doubt on the efficiency of the quickly expanding reforestation areas encouraged by the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide as sources of long-term atmospheric CO2 storage.
The young trees will indeed absorb this gas, but if they develop quickly, they will perish sooner and the CO2 will be released back into the sky. To put it another way, the trees won’t act as a very long-term carbon sink.
What Makes Trees Grow Faster?
If you can grow trees in Oklahoma faster, you will have a beautiful landscape that will impress your neighbor this fall season. So, we are here to help you with the best guide to make your trees grow faster!
In the following points below, we look at things you can do at home to assist those trees grow at their optimum yearly potential!
1. Check The Climate
Knowing the climate condition before buying trees will help them grow faster and last longer. It’s because not all fastest growing species can survive in every growing zone. The ability of a tree to grow can be significantly impacted by changes in weather and temperature. Which plant hardiness zone you reside in determines whether the trees in your yard will thrive properly.
2. Give Enough Water
Although it might seem obvious, trees require water to grow. Giving your trees enough water can significantly impact how quickly they mature and reach their maximum size. To provide your tree roots the proper amount of deep hydration without drowning them, we advise employing a slow irrigation system.
3. Fertilize Your Trees
Fertilizer makes trees develop more quickly, taller, fuller, and healthier. In order to stimulate growth and photosynthesis, fertilizer aids in incorporating vital nutrients into the soil. Fertilizers are like a multivitamin for your trees because they include varied levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
4. Layer The Ground with Mulch
Mulch surrounding your tree might offer a variety of advantages that will promote its growth. Mulch increases the amount of nutrients in the soil and assists trees in retaining water for optimum moisture. Additionally, it will aid in the prevention of grass and weeds, which compete with soil nutrients.
5. Give Protection
It’s crucial to protect your trees as they grow. Tree shelters, hard, plastic tubes that fit around the trunks of young trees, can help protect your new trees from predators like squirrels, animals, dogs, lawnmowers, and other potential hazards.
When Should You Plant Trees in Oklahoma?
The best time to plant trees in Oklahoma is in the fall. Therefore, we recommend you plant them in the fall season as the trees are going dormant for the year and the soil temperatures are still warm enough for the roots to begin establishing themselves in the new surrounding soil.
Typically, some rainfall in the late summer and early fall provide the soil with a wonderful store of moisture that will help the new trees.
During their dormant state from late fall to early spring, trees are most vulnerable to environmental stress. Due to frozen soil, ice storms, and insufficient soil moisture, planting young trees during the months of January and February can be challenging.
Planting in the early spring is equally effective, but it reduces the amount of time the trees have to grow before the hot, dry summers arrive.
Fastest Growing Trees in Oklahoma
Now you understand what factors make your trees grow faster in Oklahoma while protecting the environment. In addition to the environmental advantage, planting a fast-growing tree in Oklahoma also beautifies and improves the aesthetics of your neighborhood.
Therefore, we have compiled some fastest growing trees that are ideal for Oklahoma landscape planting. Check this out!
1. Shumard Oak Tree (Quercus Shumardii)
The Shumard Oak or Quercus shumardii, is a tree suitable for planting in Oklahoma since it is a regal, robust, and long-lived tree with stunning fall color. This is also one of the fastest growing trees Oklahoma has that create a shade. It only takes a few short years for it to shade your yard and can reach a height of up to 80 feet.

This drought tolerant free species has been successfully cultivated in urban locations where compacted soil, poor drainage, and air pollution are frequent, making it an excellent option for street trees. Besides homeowners like this tree, deer and squirrels also adore its tiny acorns.
2. Autumn Blaze Maple Tree (Acer Freemanii)
With its beautiful and enduring orange color, it is one of the most distinctive, fastest growing trees Oklahoma has in the fall. The tree has a reputation for having consistent branches and growing quickly, making it a perfect fast growing tree for impatient planters. Thanks to its strong roots, it can survive in heated environments.

Autumn Blaze Maple (Acer freemanii) trees do well in warm areas that go all the way down into the deep south and west. It can also handle moist soils that have good drainage. It works well as a street tree, park tree, or yard tree.
3. Japanese Lilac Tree (Syringa Reticulata)
If you are looking for the fastest growing trees Oklahoma has for a small yard, then you can go with a Japanese Lilac tree. This syringa reticulata is ideal for tight and challenging settings. By pruning and taking care of it, you may regulate its size.

Moreover, the Japanese lilac tree is the ideal complement to any other trees or plants in your yard, including bushes, flowers, and shrubs.
Besides, this tree is also a low maintenance plant, a perfect tree if you want a fast growing tree but don’t have time to take care of it. It doesn’t grow suckers, doesn’t need to be pruned, is resistant to illnesses and insect infestations, and uses very little water.
4. Sargent Crabapple Tree (Malus Sargentii)
Sargent Crabapple or Malus sargentii, is a little tree with a unique beauty. Even without trimming, it takes on a distinctly oriental aspect, which is why it is considered exotic. This tree is also simple to grow.

It can be grown anywhere in your yard, in any kind of soil, with or without shade, and in any available space. If it receives constant sunlight and has sufficient airflow, it is the best tree to put in your backyard.
Additionally, it is the best windbreak tree for Oklahoma since it is wider than tall. It is the greatest tree for you if you have power lines in your backyard because it will never need to be butchered by the power tree police.
5. Hickory Tree (Carya)
You need to plant a Hickory in your yard if you want to immediately provide a colorful fast-growing shade tree. One of the trees with the fastest growth, it can grow to a height of 50 feet and has a wide spread.

A variety of nuts are produced by most Hickory trees. The majority of produced nuts can be consumed by both people and animals, including pecans. The best part is that these nuts can hasten the growth of more Hickory trees as well!
Hickory trees have a lot of advantages, but it should be mentioned that they are very difficult to find. Additionally, although they have been found to adapt in dry soil as well, they need moisture soil to grow to their maximum potential.
6. Lacebark Elm Tree (Ulmus Parvifolia)
One of the oldest tree species in North America is the Lacebark Elm tree. It is one of the most adaptable trees you can grow practically anywhere in Oklahoma since they enjoy the heat!
This is a gorgeous, native, ornamental tree for Oklahoma, which is ideal for both homeowners and gardeners.

This elegant tree has a rounded crown and glossy, dark-green foliage that turn yellow and reddish purple in the fall. The Lacebark Elm stands out in the environment thanks to its unusual bark, which is mottled and frequently results in bright patterns in the trunk. It is medium to quickly growing, adapts to a variety of soil types, and is generally free from the diseases that wreak havoc on other elm.
7. Dogwood Tree (Cornus Florida)
Grow a Dogwood tree if you’re looking for a smaller fast growing tree that will benefit your garden. Beautiful blossoms on this tree will draw pollinators. Additionally, it provides a haven for creatures that are beneficial to your garden. Furthermore, it is compact enough to fit in or by most gardens.

In addition, they are famous for the stunning spring flowers with low maintenance. Plant a Dogwood tree in Oklahoma to add some of the most stunning hues without having to prune or perform any care.
8. Blue Ice Cypress Tree (Cupressus Arizonica var. Glabra)
Blue Ice Cypress trees were originally found in New Zealand, but are also ideal trees for privacy that grow fast to plant in Oklahoma. They have a quick rate of growth, making it a fast growing tree in Oklahoma.

Even though they start out small, they grow to be robust and unaffected by stifling heat or powerful winds, earning them the nickname “evergreen”.
Furthermore, the tree’s evergreen green leaves are unaffected by the bitterly cold winters. You will be astounded to learn that wildfires assist release seeds for the following generation.
9. Oklahoma Redbud Tree (Cercis Canadensis)
It is one of the best native of Oklahoma trees for homeowners who want to decorate their homes and have ample yard space. The Oklahoma Redbud tree, which can reach a height of 20 to 25 feet, produces red flowers in the spring from its branches and trunk.

Additionally, it has pink leaves that gradually turn green.
Moreover, the Oklahoma Redbud tree planting process requires careful timing. As soon as there is no longer a chance of frost, you should plant this tree.
10. Chinese Pistache Tree (Pistacia Chinensis)
When it comes to a fast growing and long tasting tree, consider planting a Chinese Pistache tree. It is a hardy tree with the ability to tolerate urban environments, and it is frequently utilized in arid landscaping.

This tree needs full sun, which means it has to receive at least six hours of daily direct, unobstructed sunlight.
According to the Arbor Day Foundation, the Chinese Pistache tree transforms from “an ugly and malformed juvenile tree into a gorgeous specimen”, earning it the nickname “Ugly Duckling” of the tree world. The tree’s normally dark green foliage become vivid shades of orange and scarlet in the fall.
11. Eastern Red Cedar Tree (Juniperus Virginiana)
You may want to smell a nice autumn vibe in your yard. Therefore, this aromatic tree has reddish wood that smells of crushed fruit and cedar chests is the perfect fast growing tree. You don’t have to worry about heat, drought, frost, and other unfavorable conditions since the Eastern Red Cedar is tolerant to all of them.

Besides, these trees are particularly prone to fire when they are young.
Moreover, there are thirteen native species to North America, eleven of which resemble trees. They feature a fleshy, berry-like cone on which the leaves and seeds of the plant grow. The leaves typically resemble scales rather than coniferous needles.
12. Crepe Myrtle Tree (Lagerstroemia Indica)
Crepe Myrtles are a fast growing tree which is most well-known for their vibrant, long-lasting summer blossoms. It is well-known for its stunning bark and magnificent flowers, which are available in a variety of colors from white to pink, purple, and red. The petals of the flowers resemble crepe paper in their crumpled look.

Throughout the year, the leaves on their sinewy, fluted stems and variegated branches fall off. Their height can range from 100 feet to less than one foot, despite the fact that their entire species is woody. However, the majority of them are medium-sized trees and bushes with many trunks and colorful autumn leaves.
Final Thought
One of the best ways to color your yard in Oklahoma is by planting some beautiful fast growing trees. As long as you understand the fast growing trees that are ideal in Oklahoma’s soil and climate, you’ll get the best result this fall season.
Therefore, we hope that you’ll get more useful insights from this article before planting your fast growing trees in Oklahoma yard!
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What kind of trees grow well in Oklahoma?
Well, it depends on Oklahoma’s climate and temperature where you live. In general, Oak tree is the most common tree to grow in Oklahoma. However, if you live in Oklahoma’s cooler mountain regions, the sturdy Norway Spruce and the Golden Quaking Aspen are ideal for your climate.
Moreover, Key Lime trees, Bartlett Pears, Santa Rosa Plums, and Navel Oranges can help you start your own personal orchard if you reside in one of Oklahoma’s warmer hardiness zones.
How fast do cedar trees grow in Oklahoma?
Depending on the species and the growing environment, cedar trees often grow at a moderate to fast rate. While some kinds can grow more than 25 inches per year, the most typically add 12 to 24 inches of growth each year. In addition, the Eastern Red Cedar that is ideal in Oklahoma grows around 2 feet per year.
How fast do pine trees grow in Oklahoma?
A pine tree is a fast-growing privacy tree for Oklahoma that can be categorized into one of three growth rate groups: slow-growing pines, medium-fast-growing pines, or fast-growing pines.
Due to its capacity as a fast-growing privacy tree, plants like the Loblolly Pine are categorized as medium-fast growing pines since they may grow up to two feet every year in Oklahoma. This typical fast growing evergreen tree takes about 11 years to reach a height of 6 feet.
Are cedar trees invasive in Oklahoma?
Yes, they are, especially for Eastern Red Cedar trees in Oklahoma. The Eastern Red Cedar is a medium-sized, widely-ranging evergreen. It is indigenous to Oklahoma and other states in the eastern United States.
However, on the grasslands of the Great Plains, it has become an invasive species. Eastern red cedar has been able to encroach on grasslands as a result of fire suppression.