Hoya Krimson Queen Care Easy Completed Guide

Do you want a succulent vine that is easy and simple to maintain? Then Hoya Krimson Queen is the houseplant that you are looking for. Many people are attracted to it because of its beautiful flowers with an array of aromatic smells.

They are very popular because they are quite easy to propagate from the plant cuttings, but you need patience during this process. Once you have a proper understanding of how Hoya Krimson Queen care can be conducted, then you might discover that it’s a non-frilly houseplant.

It is easy to care for it indoors despite its exotic appearance and multi-colored leaves. It only needs the necessary growth conditions such as regular watering, distilled light, appropriate temperatures, and other relevant aspects for it to thrive. 

Hoya Krimson Queen Care Tips

This plant requires low maintenance to flourish. It is a climber plant with gorgeous leaves and white variegation along its edges. But, do you know what it needs to grow healthy and strong? This piece of the article gives you detailed facts about all the requirements.

Light Intensity

Hoya carnosa requires light to produce flowers, so you need to subject it under bright filtered sunlight, especially the morning sun. The light helps it to maintain its pink and white color on the leaves. Note that being it is a variegated plant, it requires more light due to its multi-coloring.

If you are growing it indoors, the window is the best location, preferably an east-facing window. South and west-facing windows can burn it due to intense heat from direct sunlight. Therefore, ensure you protect it using a sheer curtain.

Do you know that the white and pink variegation on the leaves does not allow them to photosynthesize? Therefore, it requires enough light on the green parts to grow much more vigorous and healthy. However, if you expose it to high light intensity, it can burn and lose its variegation.

If you grow them outdoors, you must provide a shade for this plant to filter the sunlight. Favorable light intensity breaks the chlorophyll and reddens its leaves. Therefore, it is imperative to place it in different locations and find the best position that gets bright distilled sunlight.

If you realize that it’s not getting sufficient sun exposure, you can create your artificial lighting system. Truthfully, this houseplant thrives under artificial light. Then place lighting at a reasonable distance of about 45 cm from the hoya krimson queen.

Use a blowing fan to provide an adequate flow of air. If fluorescent lighting is a supplement, then subject it to the plant for approximately 4 to 6 hours. But if it’s the only source of lighting, then around 12 to 15 hours is appropriate.

If you give these plants less light than required, their leaves start to shrink and eventually fall off. To prevent that, use artificial lighting if you love your houseplant.

Soil Requirement Conditions 

Hoya Krimson requires a well-drained and properly aerated potting mix to flourish. You should combine perlite, orchid mix, and peat moss in equal ratios. This combination allows the root system to have adequate moisture and prevent sogginess.

If you meet that combination, you get high humidity, better drainage, proper aeration, and soil to retain enough moisture. Another alternative potting mix is vermiculite, sand, clay balls, coconut husk, and pumice.

This combination allows the root system to absorb enough oxygen and constant air circulation. In addition, the clay balls prevent the soil from becoming compact. As a result, these houseplants grow well under these conditions.

Hoya crimson are epiphytic plants; thus, they have aerial roots which absorb excess moisture from the atmosphere. Therefore, normalize using a soilless and light potting mixture to prevent root rot and enhance better drainage.

This way, you can reduce damage to your plants due to overwatering. Moreover, potting mix enables your houseplants to retain enough nutrients and water properly. Never allow your soil to be waterlogged but always ensure its airy and light.


You probably know that plants produce food through photosynthesis. Therefore, fertilizing your houseplant can supplement your potting mix and reinforce both the growing and blooming process. During the growing season, fertilize them at least once a month, especially in summer and spring.

Ensure your fertilizer contains essential plant nutrients such as potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus in reduced concentrations because Hoyas are not heavy nutrient feeders. You can also use organic fertilizers because they are beneficial for the overall Hoya health.

Use nitrogen fertilizer to accelerate the growth of Hoya Krimson queen pink leaves. But, immediately your Hoya houseplant starts to bloom, feed it phosphorous fertilizer. Nevertheless, if you decide to use synthetic fertilizers, feed your houseplants every three weeks to prevent them from burning.

Moreover, if you feed them liquefied synthetic fertilizer, use half of the recommended strength to avoid adverse effects such as dying roots. Finally, pause fertilizing your Hoyas during autumn and winter. Therefore, limit your caring to watering only because during this period, they are dormant.


Temperature is another essential factor for Hoya Krimson Queen. They require temperature conditions ranging between 60 to 96 degrees (F). However, they cannot handle very high and low temperatures, so try to balance them. 

They can suffer from severe damage if you change the temperature conditions below 9 degrees (C). Moreover, they are highly tolerant of frost conditions. Therefore, try to avoid constant temperatures of 96 degrees (F). 

Given that they do well under indoor growth conditions, avoid abrupt temperature changes. Ensure you don’t place them close to a radiator, particularly during winter. And during summer, ensure you keep them away from constant air circulation.

You can grow them outdoor in the hanging pots and arbores. It grows well under warm areas and temperate areas in summer. However, ensure you take your Hoya Krimson Queen back inside if the night temperatures drastically fall below 49 degrees (F).

Humidity Requirements

They grow well under humid conditions; therefore, high humidity of about 69 to 82 percent is optimum for better results and improved flowering. Nevertheless, the humidity variations are not available in most houses.

These versatile plants adapt perfectly under humidity slightly above room condition. It can also do well under low humidity, but you have to boost it. What are the best tactics to increase the low humidity?

  • Pebble tray: Fill the pot inside the tray with water halfway and place your houseplants inside the pot. Vaporized water goes to them directly, thus enhancing humidity.
  • Indoor humidifier: It helps your houseplants to flourish indoors, and It increases humidity.
  • Propagate it with other supporting plants: If you grow it with other plants, it creates a moist atmosphere.

Never mist their leaves because it can cause fungus build-up. Instead, provide proper ventilation to improve humidity. Nevertheless, never stress yourself much about favorable moisture; instead, grow your hoyas under a higher environment.


Plants need enough water for survival and to flourish. In addition, they have succulent leaves and woody stems; thus, they are drought-resistant plants. And no plants can tolerate being overwatered and under-watered.

It is imperative to water them at least once or twice a week when providing proper krimson queen hoya care. If it starts to show signs of yellow leaves and falling, it requires a small amount of water. If it needs more water, the leaf veins begin to protrude, and those at the bottom start to bend.

Watering also depends on how dry or warm the surrounding environment is during spring or summer. Therefore, pause watering mainly during winter and autumn dormant seasons. 

Saturate your potting mix with water until it comes through the drainage holes. Let excess water drip out, put your hoyas back, and subject them under bright filtered light. Do not water them when the potting soil is moist to avoid root rot and possibly bacterial infections.

How can you know the best time to water your houseplants? First, use your middle fingers to determine the wetness and dryness of your soil. If it is dry, then go ahead and water it, but if it is moist, let it dry first and water it after about 4 to 7 days.


It takes about three years for Hoya Krimson Queen to produce flowers. It is popular because of the blooming factor. The blossoms have about 25 to 30 small flowers that build up around the hoya krimson queen flower. You might think it is fake when you notice the flowers for the first time.

Blossoms begin from the leaf axils from the spurs. Once they emerge, the flower buds cannot be produced, but their presence indicates that your houseplant can carry flowers during the growing season.

So ensure you don’t damage the spurs during hoya carnosa krimson queen care. The pink waxy flowers are formed in clusters and are star-shaped. The peduncles of the flowers are 1.7 inches long. The flowers also produce nectar which has a chocolate or honey smell, thus attracting honeybees. 


It is okay if you want to prune your Hoyas because sometimes they large and unkempt. You can cut off dead stems and remove yellow leaves. Nevertheless, if you have rigorous stems, you can either prune them from the node or allow them to grow.

Ensure that trimming them doesn’t cause injury on their stems to prevent the latex from spewing out. In addition, don’t cut the peduncles because this is where the flowers emerge for the subsequent growth. Therefore, if you remove them, you cannot get the blossoms.

You can also trim the branches if they develop an awkward shape to enhance their look and grow in the desired direction. You can also eliminate the dead leaves and branches to improve the growth of new hoyas. Use sterilized pruning shears to trim your houseplants, and don’t over-prune them.

How to Propagate Hoya Krimson Queen?

There are various methods that you propagate it, such as soil propagation, water propagation, and stem cuttings. But stem cutting is the easiest and straightforward. But, when is the best time to propagate your houseplant?

Mid-summer and mid-spring is the best time to grow it because it’s in the vigorous growth period. When your timing is correct, then stem cutting is the perfect technique. Follow the steps below for a successful propagation:

Step #1: Sanitize your garden tools such as shears and scissors using alcohol. This prevents fungi and bacteria from attacking your houseplants and unwanted contamination.

Step #2: Choose a tender cutting with at least two to four leaves and without blooms. Ensure you cut it diagonally just beneath the node. Dip your cuttings in vitamin B, rooting hormone, or cinnamon to garnish the growth of roots. 

Step #3: Set up your preferred growing medium. For instance, if you propagate your Hoyas using soil, you need to fill your pot with a well-mixed potting mix and water it until the water is completely drained. Ensure the soil is not waterlogged.

Step #4: Plant the stem cutting into the soil in the pot and don’t allow the leaves to come in contact with the soil and place your pot in a location with bright distilled sunlight, especially the morning sun.

Step #5: Ensure that your soil is appropriately moist to allow your houseplant to get adequate water to enhance the growth of strong roots. Do not overwater them to prevent root rot and bacterial infestation.

Step #6: Repot your houseplant once it has grown a few inches. When you notice the roots of crimson queen poking the bottom of your container, when water drains out slowly, slow growth, and leaves turning yellow, then these are signs that you need to transplant your krimson queen. Repot your plants on a sizeable potting medium and check if the roots are rotten. Also, remember to use a fresh potting mix.


If you set suitable hoya krimson queen care conditions, you can have an excellent and attractive flowering plant. One factor that is important for this plant is watering. You might want to overwater them because of the love you have for them.

If you keep them dry for quite a long time, don’t choke them with excess water in your typical watering sessions. They are not only beautiful with stunning colors but they also easy to maintain. They might take time to bloom, but you can get lovely and stunning blooms with the proper cultivation. So provide your hoya Carson with appropriate care.

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