11 Fresh Perennials That Bloom All Summer in Ohio

In summer, especially when you are on summer holiday and don’t want to go anywhere, you can enjoy the immersive view through your garden. Because there are perennials that bloom all summer in Ohio. When some plants tend to produce beautiful flowers in spring, check out the flowers that will freshen your summer.

All of them are low maintenance, easy to find since most of them are native plants to Ohio. Also, you can adjust to the soil that you already have in your garden.

Just read it thoroughly.

BEST Perennials That Bloom All Summer in Ohio

Ah, the golden warmth of Ohio summers, where the sun paints every corner and nature sings in colorful blossoms. But, wouldn’t it be magical if certain plants refused to bow out and danced all summer long?

Picture gardens awash with colors, not just for a brief spell, but for the season’s entirety. Dive in, as we explore the tenacious perennials of Ohio that put on an encore performance, turning your garden into an all-summer theater!

1. Blue Flag Flowers (Iris Versicolor)

perennials that bloom all summer in ohio
Blue Flag Flowers (Iris Versicolor)

You know it is not only perennials that bloom all summer in Ohio, but also a low maintenance one. The Blue flag flowers or people often call it Harlequin blue flags love partial shade sun.

Its stalks are sturdy and the bloom colors are purple and blue. You can plant it inside the moist soil, because it will be happy in the wet meadows or streambanks area and enjoy the blooming period during all summer.

2. Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia Hirta)

perennials that bloom all summer in ohio
Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia Hirta)

This might be the most popular flower in Ohio and any other USA area. Since this one is native perennial in Ohio, you can find it to plant in your yard easily.

This low maintenance plant is drought tolerant, hence you can see them blooms during summer. Also, it is pretty suitable for the beginners who just start planting.

3. Phlox

perennials that bloom all summer in ohio
Phlox Flowers

These beautiful perennial flowers mostly bloom in summer, around mid to late summer. There are some of them that bloom in mid fall too. There are 9 species that are native to Ohio.

You can spoil the view with the stunning color of Summer Phlox in your garden.

4. White Wood Aster (Eurybia Divaricata)

perennials that bloom all summer in ohio
White Wood Aster (Eurybia Divaricata)

Aster is a very simple yet elegant flower to see. The petals are just like the stars. White wood aster looks like a white star once it blooms. These perennials often occur in dry open woods.

They are drought tolerant plants and love dry or moist soil under the partial shade. When you see that Aster is very smooth and calm, actually they are tough plants and easy to adapt.

So, it is suitable for you who want to have perennials that bloom all summer in Ohio.

5. Blue False Indigo (Baptisia Australis)

perennials that bloom all summer in ohio
Blue False Indigo (Baptisia Australis)

These bush-like perennials will bloom in early summer until mid summer. The blue wild indigo has dense clusters, so it makes people love to plant it in their yard.

It is like creating a natural background or shade gardens.

These perennials love clay and loamy soil. Also, the soil moisture is at medium level. Be prepared for the hummingbirds, since these animals love this plant so much.

Don’t worry about any other animals that will come since it is a deer resistant plant.

6. Wild Columbine (Aquilegia Canadensis)

perennials that bloom all summer in ohio
Wild Columbine (Aquilegia Canadensis)

Various beneficial pollinators will come due to its beauty of these native perennials. Wild Columbine will be happy if they are planted inside well-drained soil and under full sun to shade.

You can see the beautiful deep red and bell shaped flowers bloom during all summer. Because it is a long blooming perennial with a period around May to June.

Moreover, this one is deer resistant.

7. Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias Incarnata)

Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias Incarnata)
Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias Incarnata)

Stunning perennial plants with flower clusters will attract butterflies to come. These perennials will bloom during all summer until fall. The violet flowers and pink flowers can be your option to plant this one.

These native pants love full sun and part shade. The moist, wet and rich soil will be a favorite of Swamp Milkweed.

8. Butterfly Weed (Asclepias Tuberosa)

Butterfly Weed (Asclepias Tuberosa)
Butterfly Weed (Asclepias Tuberosa)

The bright orange flowers love full sun. These native plants prefer well-drained soil with a little bit of sandy texture. It is drought tolerant with the unusual flower structures, but still lovely to see.

This one also blooming perennials since the flowers will last long after it shows.

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9. Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium Purpureum)

Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium Purpureum)
Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium Purpureum)

The flower clusters of pale lavender flowers bloom in midsummer. It might be considered as late blooming but you will not regret the flowers already shown.

Joe Pye weed will reach the best blooms if you plant it in a pot when the spring comes. These perennials love moist and well-drained soil under full to partial sun.

The deep green foliage will make a beautiful contrast with its large flower clusters.

10. Ox Eye Sunflower (Heliopsis Helianthoides)

Ox Eye Sunflower (Heliopsis Helianthoides)
Ox Eye Sunflower (Heliopsis Helianthoides)

Bright yellow flowers will freshen the look of your garden particularly under the morning sun. These perennials will produce flowers throughout the summer, from early until the summer ends.

The yellow petals of OxEye Sunflowers will spoil your view and attract beneficial insects, such as butterflies, pollinators, and even birds. This plant loves full sun with dry to medium soil.

11. Cardinal Flowers (Lobelia Cardinalis)

Cardinal Flowers (Lobelia Cardinalis)
Cardinal Flowers (Lobelia Cardinalis)

Cardinal flowers are native perennials in Ohio. These plants produce flowers during summer and can be done in fall too. The dark green leaves create amazing contrast to the cardinal flower.

It loves morning sun and afternoon shade, but if you live in a cooler area, then it needs full sun to reach the best bloom.

Final Thought

As we wrap up our vibrant exploration of Ohio’s summer-blooming perennials, it’s clear that the heart of any thriving garden lies in its choice of plants. These resilient bloomers not only paint our gardens with ceaseless color but also resonate with Ohio’s spirit of enduring beauty. Every garden enthusiast knows that selecting the right perennials is akin to investing in summer-long joy.

Let these botanical wonders be your next garden companions, and watch as every summer day unfurls a fresh spectacle of nature’s brilliance.

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What perennials stay bloomed all summer?

Best flower-sparkling plants of summer are Phlox and OxEye Sunflowers. Garden phlox produces fragrant flowers showing off pink, purple, white or purple blooms. Blue false indigo and cardinal flower will be the best summer companion in your yard too.

Since they are the long blooming perennials.

What about winter care for these perennials?

Ohio winters can be harsh. Most of these perennials die back, but their roots remain alive. Mulching around them provides extra protection. Come spring, new growth emerges, ready for another vibrant summer.

Can you mix perennials with annuals in your Ohio garden?

Combining perennials with annuals offers dynamic visual interest. While perennials promise consistent returns, annuals let you experiment each year. Together, they guarantee a garden that’s ever-evolving and always blooming.

How do you prep soil for these perennials?

Ohio’s soil can vary, so start with a soil test. Ensure it’s well-draining and enrich with compost for added nutrients. Depending on the perennial, adjust the pH level. Regular mulching aids in moisture retention and weed suppression.

What flowers bloom in July in Ohio?

Swamp milkweed, Ox Eye Sunflower, Cardinal flower, Blue False Indigo, and Joe Pye Weed will bloom in July in Ohio. You can choose various options of these perennials to get a delicate view during summer. 

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