If you are a plant collector, we understand that you want to provide the best care for your collections to thrive. Moreover, unique plants, such as Caladium Hilo Beauty, require special care. Suppose you are a fan of this rare Hilo Beauty. In that case, you are at the right place! We provide some information on Caladium Hilo Beauty care to broaden your insight on what the plant needs.
Furthermore, you will also get to know what elements that affect their growth and development. As some people get confused about classifying caladium and alocasia, we also include a brief explanation of their differences. In addition, you can find indoor and outdoor tips on growing the Hilo beauty elephant ear plant. Hence, read this article to the end so as not to miss detailed information about caladium Hilo beauty care.
Table of Contents
What Is Caladium Hilo Beauty
Some of you may be questioning whether Caladium Hilo Beauty and Alocasia Hilo Beauty are the same plants or not. The fun fact is, they are one. Caladium Hilo Beauty was then Alocasia before the reclassification in 2009. Additionally, it grows in the US hardiness zone 9 to 11.

Generally, the Hilo Beauty is a cultivar of Caladium praetermissum. It bears unique features, like white, creamy, green irregular polka-dot patternation on the upper, heart-shaped leaves. Moreover, it is a big plant, reaching 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. The tall stalks support the foliage, making them stand out. And thanks to this, you can have a tropical atmosphere vividly in your home.
Considering the large size, you have to choose the pot wisely. It is better to plant them in medium to large containers so that the roots will develop properly. However, it is okay to provide small pots for Hilo beauty propagation.
In case you want to grow them indoors, make sure to stay the plant away from your pets and children as they are toxic. The symptoms that may occur if they are ingested or chewed are burning sensation, swollen lips, mouth, throats, and worse, severe gastric irritation.
Meanwhile, growing the tropical plant outdoors faces another problem. Even though it is generally pests-free, it still can be a target of aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. They can cause holes and yellow and white spots on the leaves. Fortunately, you can remove them by spraying insecticidal soap. And for all these reasons, we want to share a guide on how to care for Caladium Hilo Beauty. Take a look below!
How To Care Caladium Hilo Beauty

To have a healthy Caladium Hilo Beauty, you must know what the plant needs. Some factors influence their growth and development, including light intensity, temperature and humidity, watering frequency, good drainage, soil condition, types of fertilizer, and the propagation method. Hence, we are here to help you understand these growing conditions so that you can provide them for your evergreen perennial plant.
1) Light Intensity
Tracking back to its origin in the tropical forests, the Caladium Hilo Beauty loves the partial shade or shade of the forest canopy. Therefore, providing such a light intensity will help the plant thrive. On the other hand, it does not tolerate direct sunlight as it will scorch the leaves and damage the beautiful variegation.
Moreover, if you want to put it on your patio, choose a north-facing or east-facing area where it still gets the filtered, indirect sunlight and shades simultaneously. Nonetheless, do not let your plant stay under total shade every day because they will drop their leaves when the light is highly lacking.
2) Temperature And Humidity Requirement
In addition to lighting levels, temperatures and humidity are two essential elements you must pay attention to growing Caladium Hilo Beauty. As a tropical plant, this Caladium loves heat. It thrives in daylight temperatures of around 70-90’F and 60’F at night.
However, it does not withstand temperatures lower than 35’F since the frost will damage its leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to grow Caladium Hilo Beauty in pots so that you can easily move them indoors or outdoors whenever the weather conditions suit the plants.
Regarding the humidity, it prefers high humidity of about 50-80%, just like in its native habitat. You may notice brown foliage once the moisture does not meet the requirements. Moreover, you can mist the Caladium daily when the moisture drops to keep the favored humidity. Additionally, place the pot in a tray filled with water and pebbles. The water will evaporate and keep the air humid.
3) Watering And Drainage
Like other Caladiums, Caladium Hilo Beauty favors moist but well-drained soils. You can provide this growing condition by regularly watering them several days a week. So, how do you know when it needs water?
When you touch the soil surface, and it feels dry, it is time to give them water. However, do not let the plant sit in the water for too long. Waterlogged soil will rot the roots and can eventually kill them.
Furthermore, choose porous containers to let the water escape quickly, like terracotta and ceramic pots. But if you only have plastic pots, ensure they have proper drainage holes for the water flow. In addition, add peat moss and perlite to provide good aeration and drainage.
4) Soil Conditions
Talking about Caladium Hilo Beauty care is incomplete without discussing the soil conditions. This plant requires loose, evenly moist soils but is well-drained. Also, the Caladium Hilo Beauty soil should be rich in organic matter as it will help the soil hold water better and quickly drain it to prevent waterlogging.
In addition, the Caladium Hilo Beauty soil must be mildly acidic with a pH of around 5.5 to 6.5. If your soil does not meet this standard, you may add peat moss, perlite, or other potting mixes to achieve such a pH. These materials also provide good drainage for your container, avoiding the soggy soil when the water is too plenty.
5) Fertilizing
Applying fertilizer to your Caladium Hilo Beauty will offer additional nutrients. It is important, especially during its growing season. Luckily, this perennial is not fussy about the fertilizer types.
To begin with, introduce a slow-release fertilizer when you first plant the plant in the container. Next, add water soluble NPK fertilizer with a 1-1-1 ratio. Before adding the soil, don’t forget to dilute half the strength with water. Give the diluted fertilizer during the summer. Besides, you can give balanced liquid fertilizer to promote the lush growth of the foliage.
Moreover, you don’t need to feed the plant during winter as it goes dormant. But please, do not over fertilize! It will do badly for the Caladium as it can turn the leaves brown.
6) Propagation
After knowing all the factors that affect the caladium’s growth, let’s find out the Hilo Beauty propagation. Here is a step by step how to propagate Alocasia Hilo Beauty or now Caladium Hilo Beauty by tubers division:
- Gently take out the tubers from the soil pot.
- Divide the tubers by cutting them apart with a sterilized knife or other cutting tools. Make sure there is at least one growing site (eye, knob, or bud) on each.
- Plant the tubers in moist potting soil with the growing site facing outdoors.
- Cover them with the soil about two inches from the bottom pot.
- Place this pot in an area with temperatures of around 70’F and wait for them to sprout.
Caladium Hilo Beauty Care Tips

Even though many plant collectors grow Caladium Hilo Beauty indoors, others prefer to plant the plant species outdoors. Hence, we decide to offer the Hilo Beauty indoor care and outdoor tips so that they thrive wherever you choose to plant them. Check them out!
1) Indoor Caladium Hilo Beauty Care Tips

Caladium Hilo beauty indoor care includes a brief guide to choosing the planting location, how to water them indoors, and overall, providing their preferred growing conditions. Well, without any further ado, take a peek at our tips below!
- Choose a north-facing or east-facing window if you grow them indoors to avoid direct sunlight that can burn the leaves.
- Provide high humidity with cool temperatures by misting the leaves regularly or putting the container into a tray filled with water and pebbles.
- Water them several days a week or whenever the soil surface gets dry.
- Keep this plant away from your kids and pets because all parts of this stunning Caladium are toxic.
2) Outdoor Caladium Hilo Beauty Care Tips

It is uncommon to grow this rare caladium outdoors. But if you would like to challenge yourself, let us give you some outdoor tips on growing Caladium Hilo Beauty. Let’s dive in!
- If you grow them outdoors, place the pots in partial shade or shade areas to prevent direct sunlight. You can choose south-facing sites but give some feet distance.
- Offer shelter for the plants when the temperature drops because they cannot tolerate frost.
- As it is prone to harmful insects, spray the leaves and stalks with insecticidal soaps whenever necessary.
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
How big does Caladium Hilo get?
The caladium praetermissum ‘Hilo Beauty’ size is pretty big. It can grow up to one meter tall or around 2-4 feet and 3 feet wide. The broad leaves are characterized by white or creamy-green patterns that become the hallmarks of this tropical plant. Considering the Hilo beauty size, you will need a medium to a large pot to plant Caladium Hilo beauty. We recommend a container at least 11 cm or 5 inches in diameter to allow proper growth.
Is caladium Hilo Beauty rare?
Caladium Hilo Beauty is a rare ornamental plant. The creamy, green, and white variegation seems like camouflage in the heart-shaped green leaves of this rare Hilo beauty plant. Sometimes, people call the pattern polka-dot, but it’s actually more of a kind of irregular one. Also, thanks to these features, you can provide a bold statement of tropical vibes to your home.
Is Hilo Beauty a Caladium or alocasia?
In 2009, Alocasia Hilo Beauty was reclassified into Caladium Hilo Beauty. But basically, they are the same plant. People call it Alocasia as it has a short rhizome. However, the scientific name of this tropical plant is Caladium praetermissum. Unlike Alocasia, which loves full sun, Caladium prefers partial shade to shade to protect their stunning patternation from the sun as it can scorch the leaves.
Is caladium Hilo Beauty toxic?
Despite being a beautiful houseplant, you must be cautious as all parts of the Caladium Hilo beauty are toxic, particularly if chewed or ingested. Once it is swallowed, you may notice a painful burning sensation followed by swollen lips, mouth, tongue, and throat. The symptoms can get worse to excessive salivation and severe gastric irritation. Call a doctor if the intoxication persists.